Reporting Abuse or Harassment

Reporting Abuse or Harassment

Abusive behavior, harassment, and threats will not be tolerated on RollAndWin. If you experience or witness any form of abuse, we urge you to report it immediately so that appropriate action can be taken.

Harassment can take many forms, including:

  • Personal attacks or insults directed at other users.
  • Threats of violence, intimidation, or blackmail.
  • Hate speech or discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • Sexual harassment, including inappropriate comments or messages.
  • Bullying, stalking, or repeated unwanted contact.
  • Encouraging self-harm or dangerous activities.

Any form of abuse or harassment violates our forum rules, and offenders may face warnings, suspensions, or permanent bans.

How to Report a Violation

If you encounter abusive behavior, take the following steps:

  1. Use the report feature available on posts and messages to notify moderators.
  2. Provide details about the incident, including screenshots if necessary.
  3. Avoid responding to the abuser, as this may escalate the situation.
  4. Wait for moderation review, as reports will be carefully assessed before action is taken.

All reports will be handled confidentially, and we will take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of all users. If you ever feel threatened, we recommend seeking external support or legal assistance.

By reporting abusive behavior, you help maintain a respectful and supportive forum community for everyone.
