Gambling Addiction, Family Betrayal & Financial Ruin – What Would You Do?

Imagine working 50-hour weeks, saving up for your future, only to find out that your own father stole from you to fuel his gambling addiction. They had been paying rent for their entire family while their father’s paycheck kept disappearing. They later found out their father had been stealing money from them, even taking nearly all of their savings under the excuse of “teaching them a lesson.” Their mother chose to stay in contact with the father and even gave him money in their name for his birthday, despite knowing he’d likely gamble it away. The OP is now no contact with their dad but still struggling with guilt, especially since their mother keeps trying to maintain a relationship with him.
What do you think? How do you handle a family that supports gambling addiction?
That’s beyond messed up. Stealing from your own kid? Nah, that’s not a ‘mistake,’ that’s straight-up financial abuse. Going no contact was the right move. OP isn’t responsible for fixing someone else’s addiction
totally agree. And the mom enabling him makes it worse. I get that she loves him, but giving him money in OP’s name? That’s not love, that’s betrayal
Trust me, guilt fades. Being stolen from hurts. I was an addict, I lied, I stole—but I also got help. If he’s not owning up, there’s nothing to feel guilty about
Trust me, guilt fades. Being stolen from hurts. I was an addict, I lied, I stole—but I also got help. If he’s not owning up, there’s nothing to feel guilty about
Exactly. If he won’t change and she won’t stop enabling, OP needs to put themselves first. It’s not their job to save either of them