Having Kids to “Learn Responsibility”


I’ve heard people say, “You should have kids to learn responsibility,” and honestly? That sounds like a terrible idea. If you don’t already know how to manage money, time, and your own life, how is adding a completely dependent human being to the mix going to magically fix that? A child isn’t a life lesson—it’s a person who needs stability, not a parent learning responsibility on the go. Plenty of people who claim they “learned responsibility” through parenting still end up being awful at it. What do you think, should responsibility be a prerequisite for having kids, or is it something you can develop along the way?
If you need a baby to learn how to be responsible, you probably shouldn’t have one. Kids aren’t some life hack for self-improvement—they’re human beings, not projects
Exactly! People out here treating kids like expensive Tamagotchis—"oops, I forgot to feed it, guess I’ll learn next time!" Nope
I actually did grow up a lot after having kids, but I wouldn’t say it’s the right way to do it. You should already be stable before becoming responsible for another person’s life
The worst part? The kids suffer when the parents don’t “learn” fast enough. There’s no undo button. If you can’t handle yourself, don’t bring a kid into the mess